Within the healthcare sector, photography can be used to deliver incidental patient comfort. Given the negativity and apprehension that often occurs for patients, it’s in the interests of the industry to embrace ways to effectively and calmly communicate care 

Finding out about hospitals, procedures and general medical advice is done when patients, and their families, are thrown into research out of necessity. 

The healthcare, aged care, and medical facilities that patients use,  are valuable when providing that general information, but even more, when they are positively giving reassurance of their care, ethos, and patient guidance.

Healthcare sector photography of patients and staff

When that patient trust is affirmed, there are real-world benefits that include: a perception of better health care, a better understanding of how the care will be provided, the expectations of how the system itself works, and a greater link between patient, family and provider.

A website won’t necessarily answer every question or show all the beneficial things and services that might help with your patient relationships, but it certainly can illustrate things like honesty, caring, and respect.

On top of that, it can show the workings, reveal the resources, provide a portal to a world post-facility, 

healthcare workers with patients

The facilities that fail at this have unnecessarily complicated website navigation, cluttered with industry jargon, and too often fall into a trap of using stock, or stock-like imagery.

What does your current website say about your people, organisation, patients and staff? Is it accurate to the experience that patients currently receive?

In looking at imagery it is comforting for patients and families, at a very vulnerable time in their lives, to be given an objective sense of what they’re dealing with, even if there is only going to be short exposure to the facilities.

And as important as it is to show those facilities and equipment, for many people their vested interest is in knowing who will help them: the people – from medical specialists, rehabilitation staff, palliative care workers, nurses, kitchen staff, and the myriad others who make up the heart of medical facilities.

staff caring for patients

What sometimes gets lost outside of specific industries, is that most people don’t know or understand what they’re about to experience. For the cost of the content, so much of what a patient might experience can be explained.

It needs to be remembered that patients remain disconnected and uneducated about the familiar world of medical personnel. That lack of knowledge, provided with the internet’s worst-case scenarios, as inevitably happens when searching online about health matters, doesn’t dispel fears.

Photography can help create a connection for prospective patients who are making decisions about their care. Healthcare facilities and practices that utilise thoughtful imagery will elevate trust by showing how they care.

Healthcare facilities can work with their future patients by providing a calm and gentle entry. The stories of care, in combination with imagery, have the power to create a connection and affection to facilities and staff.

Health care worker with patient

Rather than having patients discover via warnings “When things go wrong here’s what could happen,” we can help steer the conversation to something more reassuring, “Here’s how you’ll be looked after.

Be deliberate with creating your content, focusing on your business. Too many deal with this generically. Armed with specific casework, your facilities and locations, your staff, and the expertise derived from the patient load your teams have dealt with, use that knowledge to help new patients.

If words could describe everything, if a quick conversation could reassure, and if a website could work well without being updated, photography would be unnecessary.

When walking into providers, I bring the experience of someone who has photographed facilities, staff, patients and volunteers for the past 25 years. I have helped craft messages and provided complete and ongoing image libraries that have been continuously added to and used for years. I have told stories through the use of photography and video. I have quietly, calmly and patiently dealt with some of the most vulnerable people and their families in the community, providing content that has helped tell the story of aged care, therapy, hospitalisation, and more. And importantly, I have helped illustrate the journey of aged care for the patient.

Just a few of the ways you can contact us for a quote for your healthcare sector photography:

Email: info@intothepicture.com.au
Phone: 0411 137 747
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